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The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Mark Twain

(Continuum, 2008)

A tribute to the first global celebrity and most quotable American, this entertaining survey takes readers from Twain’s early days as “printer’s devil” to his later days as “devil’s advocate” and includes summaries of his works, essays on characters and controversies, filmography, crossword puzzle, map of Huck and Jim’s adventures.

Death Defying: Dismantling the Execution Machinery in 21st Century U.S.A.

(Continuum, 2003)

Capital Punishment, renounced as costly and error-prone by most western nations, is still status quo in America. McAllister tells the stories of victims and victimizers with her heart wide open, grapples with complex underlying issues, and offers 100 examples of nonviolent action to move us from revenge to restorative justice.

The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Shakespeare

(Continuum, 2001)

Foreword Magazine called this Companion, co-authored by Dick Riley, “The most concise, yet all-encompassing book on the Bard to date.” Here are capsule summaries of the plots, notes on stage and film productions, discussion of the “Authorship Question,” and informative tidbits about London, Elizabethan fashion, Shakespeare’s women, and more.